Kick-off Rallye

The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix

Our Kick-Off Rallye is truly the kick-off event of the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix as it occurs one week before  Race Week. The competition consisted of a combined Monte Carlo/Gimmick format requiring no prior experience.

Kick-off Rallye

Any car enthusiast was welcome to register in this fun, but competitive, mystery course that tested driving, navigational and trivia skills through the Pittsburgh countryside. Organized by Paul MacIntyre and Chuck Larouere.

What is a Rallye?


Started at 04:30 pm

Started at 09:30 AM

Mandatory Drivers Meeting

Rallye Cars Start Departing

Dinner and Awards

Our Schedule  FOr the day

9:30 - 11:00 AM

11:00 - 11:15 AM

11:30 AM

Moving to Dual Devils Garage in Houston, PA opened up miles of new roads for us to explore! The main competition was proceeded by a cookout at the Dual Devils Garage.

Competitors could race in any vehicle they like – any year, any make –  no restrictions. Multiple checkpoints were located early along the route and were shown in the route instructions with approximate mileage and the time  that the vehicle is due to cross the timing line. The tour should took around 2.5 hours to complete and was on  paved roads.

The Competition