Rules & Regulations – Schenley Park

It is each competitor’s responsibility to understand and comply with all Rules and Regulations which apply to their car. Non-compliance may result in exclusion or disqualification. Ignorance of these rules is not a valid defense.

Vintage sports car racing is an amateur sport where competition is meant to be friendly and casual. However, all forms of motorsports are dangerous; therefore we have developed the following operating procedures to help you understand what action should be taken under certain circumstances. Your knowledge and application of this information is vital to a safe event.

A. Official Race Control is through the PVGPA Chief Steward and the SCCA marshals or other recognized workers. It is imperative that you comply with their instructions. The PVGPA will rule on all racecourse conduct infractions.

B. Race Procedure Grids for the races will be determined by your qualifying times and qualifying race results. PVGPA reserves the right to slot cars into the grid in the interest of safety. Chief Steward’s decisions are final. In the event of inclement weather during qualifying, grids will be established by PVGPA Officials. Race lengths shown on the schedule are subject to change due to scheduling constraints, weather conditions and unforeseen circumstances. Changes are announced at the Driver’s Meeting, on the PA system or on the grid.

C. Tech Inspection Tech inspection hours and location will be stated on the official schedule. Your Tech sheets are located at Tech and Race Registration. Have your correct assigned race number on your car and an AMB transponder properly installed before you arrive at Tech.

2024 PVGP Tech Inspection Form – PDF

D. False Grid Cars arriving after the five-minute signal may forfeit grid position. You may be required to join your session from pit out if you arrive after the grid closes. Do not attempt to regain your original grid position during the pace lap. No one under the age of 16 years of age is permitted on the grid. Open-toed shoes are not permitted.

E. Pit Entry and Exit should be at moderate or slow speed. Pit speeds will be announced at the driver’s meeting. The maximum speed allowed will be 10 mph.

F. Passing Schenley Park is a uniquely dangerous circuit. Extra caution must be used whenever you are passing or being passed. The responsibility for a clean pass rests with both drivers and the primary responsibility is with the overtaking car. Corner stations will advise slower cars with a blue flag (passing flag.) Watch your mirrors. If practicable, the overtaken driver should clearly indicate to the overtaking driver on which side the pass should be made while maintaining a predictable racing line.

G. Safety Car If the safety car enters the circuit, slow down and follow in a single file. Do not change position and do not pass the safety car unless waved by.

H. Black Flag & Meatball (Black Flag with Orange Ball – mechanical problem) will be displayed at Flag Station 18 (top of Serpentine) and may also be displayed at Start/Finish. If you are Black Flagged or shown the Meatball, pull into the Pits and wait for an official to clear you to resume driving. For Practice sessions, the Checkered Flag may also be shown at this station and you should enter the Pits as the session is over.

I. Cool-Off Lap Because of time constraints and track length, cool-off laps are not standard procedure. In the extreme case that you miss pit entry after the finish line, do not remove gloves, belts, helmets, etc. during the lap.

J. Fuel Due to fire code regulations the PVGP will no longer be able to offer race fuel for sale in the Park.

K. Off Course If you go off course and are unable to restart, stay in your car unless it’s on fire. If a Corner Marshal instructs you to get out of your car, you may immediately go to a safe position.  If you can restart do not rejoin the field until instructed to do so by a Corner Marshal. If none is present, you may rejoin only when there is an interval in the field such that if you should stall, your position can be clearly seen from a distance by oncoming cars. When in doubt, WAIT.

L. Pace Lap Drivers are allowed to scrub and warm tires. Drivers should close up distance to approximately one car’s length behind the car in front of them before the start. It is unacceptable to lag back for any reason. If there is a mechanical problem, the driver should pull off the course and wave others by. Any driver lagging back will be black flagged after the start.

M. Race Start The pole position car will set the start speed after the Safety Car enters the pits. The green flag indicates the start of the race and position improvement is permitted at this time. Any car jumping the flag, getting out of line or lagging back will be black flagged on the next lap.

N. Race Restarts On re-starts during a race resulting from a double yellow, once the green flag is displayed, passing is permitted throughout the field.

O. Timing & Scoring You must have an AMB Transponder properly installed on your car. During the weekend, results will be posted at a location to be decided. Copies will also be available there. Cars without a transponder may be gridded at the back of the group.

P. Transponders Transponders are required. If you do not have one you will not be timed or scored and will be gridded in the rear. Sorry – rentals are not available.

Q. Driver Meetings Please check the schedule for driver meeting times and location. Please remember that attendance is mandatory for all drivers.

R. Radio Frequencies PVGPA operates on a dedicated radio frequency. This frequency is not to be used for race team communication. Thank you for your cooperation.

2. Vehicle Eligibility

A. Definitions
1. Eligibility period: A historic period beginning and ending with cut-off dates.
2. Timeline: A date that defines an eligibility period.
3. Period specification: The configuration of a car as raced during the eligibility period.
4. Year of Manufacture: (YOM) Actual year car was built.
5. Year of Preparation: (YOP) Year represented by newest racing specifications found on the car, regardless of the year of manufacture.
See PVGP list of eligible cars

B. Acceptance All cars and drivers new to Schenley Park must provide a current Race Car Information Sheet (RCIS) and photo of the car before an entry will be accepted. PVGPA may accept non-complying cars including replicas from time to time at its discretion. Participation at an event or the issuance of a logbook is no guarantee of continued acceptance.

C. Race Groups PVGPA defines Race Groups. These may be combined or divided from time to time depending on the expected entries at a particular event. PVGPA reserves the right to alter these groups as necessary to provide safe and fair competition. Each Race Group has a sheet that shows the classes and any rules that are particular to that Race Group.

3. Vehicle Preparation

Vehicles must meet the preparation specifications of the vintage race club you are entering under. It is, therefore, the responsibility of each competitor to research the proper period specification for their car, and to present it as such. The PVGPA will accept the Rules & Regulations of your organization with the below exceptions.

A. Body: The body configuration should be as raced “in period”. All body parts must be of the same material and design as those supplied by the manufacturer as standard or optional.

B. Wheels: Wheel diameter must be as originally fitted.

C. Engine: The correct engine displacement is required. The entrant must, with certainty, disclose the actual engine displacement. Engines must be of the original type; size and design as originally fitted by the manufacturer and be in the correct location.

D. Tires: There have been slight adjustments to the tire rules for the 2024 Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix:

• Sizing is based on existing rules and regulations for individual car classification.
• Tread must extend across the tire (no DOT slicks with only circumferential grooves).
• Minimum 2/32nds of measurable tread.
• Minimum UTQG of 100 AAA.
• Minimum speed rating of H.
Examples of acceptable tires: Avon ACB10, Goodyear Blue Streak, Hoosier Street TD & Speedster, Toyo RA1, R888- R888R, R1R, Nitto Nt01. Note Hoosier R7s, WITH ACCEPTABLE GROOVING are approved. Acceptable grooving includes cross-hatching. Circumferential grooves only are not approved. 
Examples of non-acceptable tires: SLICKS or grooved racing slicks.  Any of the following tires: Avon Tech RA, BFG G -Force R1, Goodyear GS/CS/RS, Hankook Z214, Hoosier DOT Radial (A6 or R6), Kumho V710, Toyo RR, or any other “street slick” type DOT tire.NON-DOT Racing Tires: The non-DOT treaded racing tires listed below are approved for PVGP competition:
  • Avon: ACB9, CR6ZZ, A29, H-003 and H-009
  • Goodyear: BlueStreaks, Vintage Sports Car Specials, G12 and G12A
  • Hoosier: Vintage TD, Street TD, Speedster, TDR, TDS, R35B, and VFF
  • Dunlop: L-series, M-series, CR65, and CR82
  • Any non-DOT racing tire not listed above is not approved for PVGP competition.
Note: These rules are set out for our normal run groups. Occasionally, exceptions will be made for specialty run groups, e.g., Historic Stock Cars.

If you have any questions concerning tires, it is recommended that you email the PVGP Competition Committee.


4. Safety Equipment

A. Seat belts: All cars must be equipped with a standard 5 or 6 point driver restraint system. Y-type harnesses are not permitted. The lap & shoulder belt webbing may be 2 or 3” wide. FIA/SFI certified 2” belts are permitted at the discretion of the Chief of Tech. The crotch strap webbing may be no less than 1” wide. Belts must be in excellent condition. Undated belts and dated belts over 5 years old are subject to replacement at the direction of the Chief of Tech. The mounting hardware and all attachment points must exceed the strength of the actual belt. Snaps must be pinned or safety-wired.

B. Arm restraints: Properly adjusted arm restraints are required in all open cars including open Targa tops, and on closed cars without window nets.

C. Roll Bars: Suitable roll bars are required on all cars except PreWar and Preservation.

D. Fire Extinguishers: All cars not equipped with an on-board fire suppression system must have either a 10BC rated dry chemical extinguisher (2-pound minimum) or a Halon 1301 or 1211 extinguisher (2-pound minimum)

E. Fuel Cells: Fuel cells are required for all groups except Pre-War and Preservation. Must meet FIA FT-3 specification.

F. Towing Eyes: All cars without an exposed roll bar shall have a towing eye or strap, front and rear, that does not dangerously protrude from the bodywork when racing, to be used for flat towing or hauling the vehicle. These towing eyes or straps shall be easily accessible without removal or manipulation of bodywork. A 2” towing eye is recommended. A removable towing eye carried inside the car is not acceptable

G. Helmets: Crash helmets approved by the Snell Foundation with Snell sticker 2010 or later, or by the SFI Sticker 38.1a for open-faced helmets or SFI38.2a for closed face helmets or FIA standard 8860-2004. Closed face shields are recommended. Open face helmets require the use of goggles or face shields, preferably made of impact-resistant materials, if used in open cars. Glasses are not sufficient.

H. Head & Neck Restraints: Starting in 2017, the use of a head and neck restraint system became mandatory in all groups except Pre-War and Preservation.

I. Driving Suits: All drivers must wear a suit that covers the body from the neck to the wrists and ankles. One-piece suits are highly recommended. All suits shall bear a SFI3.2A/1 or higher certification or FIA 1986 Standard. Underwear of fire-resistant material shall be used but is optional with multiple layer suits. Socks of fire-resistant material and gloves made of leather and/or accepted fire resistant material containing no holes are required. Face coverings (balaclava) of accepted fire resistant material required for drivers with beards or mustaches.

J. Driving Shoes: Shoes, with uppers of leather and/or nonflammable material that at a minimum cover the instep.

K. Cut-Off Switch: There must be an electrical cut-off switch to isolate the battery and cut off the ignition. Such a switch must be accessible from outside the car and be clearly marked.

5. Driver Eligibility

A. Definitions: The event is open to any driver holding a current valid racing license from a vintage racing organization that is recognized as an active member of the Vintage Motorsports Council that submits driver infractions to VMC. Licensed members of the SCCA or NASA must attend a DOP (Driver’s Orientation Program) which is a 30 minute discussion on vintage attitude and rules. The PVGPA Competition Committee retains the right to make the final decision as to individual driver eligibility. Competitors must be at least 18 years old.

B. Medical: Applicant’s Medical History must be current and from a current race organization or member organization of the Vintage Motorsports Council and the license must show the expiration date of medical clearance. If the license does not show medical then you must have the PVGP Medical Form completed by a physician within the last 2 years and submitted with your entry. Anyone competitor over the age of 60 is strongly encouraged to have an annual physical and EKG/ECG. If your racing organization does not have a medical form you can use ours.

2024 PVGP Medical Form – PDF

C. Rookies: Anyone who has not previously completed at the Schenley Park vintage race will be considered a rookie – no matter how many years you have been racing. PVGPA has a Rookie program in place to provide a method of acclimation of new members to Schenley Park and promote the safety and fun of the sport. All rookies will have a rookie stripe on their vehicle at Tech. A Friday afternoon meeting/track walk-through is mandatory for all rookies.